Dr. Huitao Shen

I am a theoretical quantum physicist, and a founding member of a quant trading team. We are actively looking for quant researcher/engineer talents at different levels. We offer best opportunities for career growth and most competitive compensation. Please contact me if you are interested.

I obtained my Ph.D. degree at MIT Physics in three and a half years. Before that, I studied at Tsinghua University and was an undergraduate researcher at Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University. I used to share my knowledge of physics and mathematics on a major Q&A website in China with more than 90k followers.

Email: (full name).physics@gmail.com

Curriculum Vitae: Academic CV (PDF)

Teaching: My past teaching materials at MIT, such as lecture notes and problem sets, can be found on this page.

Selected Publications (first author or corresponding author):

* Joint first author (Joint) Corresponding author

A complete list can be found on my Google Scholar page or my academic CV.